Friday, December 22, 2006


Winter Vacation: Day 1

So, it's Friday and I am officially on winter break. On Tuesday, Ben, Bula and I are taking a road trip to Sedona, Arizona. One July when I was in middle school, Sasha, her dad, and I went there. Her grandpa, who has since passed away, had a house there and Sasha's step-grandma had her own art studio, where I painted on canvas for the first time. I still remember that trip, and the summer thunderstorms in red rock heaven.

I am slightly weary about bringing Bula only because he seems to get car sick, but this will be his last hoorah with balls. On the morning of January 2nd, Bula will be deballed. Although he is incredibly annoying in the presence of other dogs, he is so freakin' cute that I almost can't stand it. He knows how to give hugs and on occasion we dance in the living room. He steps on my feet far less than Ben does.

Ben brought him to my classroom at the end of the day on Thursday and the kids just loved him. We took him on the playground. The kids tore off their jackets to play dodgeball and all Bula wanted to do was pee on the puffy piles.

Besides that, nothing new is going on. I am mainly writing this because I have a new video clip of my nephew Chad. This was taken last week at a Channukah party. He seems to enjoy acting. On occasion when I've been at his house, he wants me to pretend to be his mom and he's my baby. And every time he "falls asleep", as his mother, it is my job to "wake him up". Then it's my turn to fall asleep and he has to wake me up.

He is the cutest little bean ever. I remember him from your wedding. I was truly tempted to steal him. Really. What a doll!
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