Monday, January 01, 2007


Learning Your States and Capitals: A Fifth Grade Standard

In fifth grade, it is a state standard that all students know all 50 states and capitals. It is a standard that is surprisingly hard to meet only because there are so many other standards that the students have to master and this one simply requires memorization. I introduce the map in four regions to my students, we learn two different songs and I quiz them if there are 2 minutes of free time here and there. However, I tell the students to study them for 10 minutes each night because the practice we do in class is just not enough. But many of my kids don't do this studying for a number of reasons. And I don't want to spend much more time on the standard because I think it's more important for them to learn how to think about and question their history rather than memorize it.

But I found this on youtube and it is so freakin' cute, that I can't stand it. I wish youtube was not blocked by my school district because seeing this kid recite the states and capitals might inspire my lazy kids to get going.

Check it out. Notice the cute pronunciations of certain capitals like Juneau, pronounced June-ay-oooooh, burps during Indianapolis, and forgets about Kentucky. Don't feel bad, kid, many people forget about Kentucky.

Okay, sorry, but I think I have to take my last comment back. . . this is the cutest little bean EVER! Oh my gosh I want to take this little guy home. How precious and smart is he!? Don't you love the Indian accent?! I always have. By the way, how do you go about just finding random videos on You Tube?
Okay, my favorite part was when he said the capital of Alabama was "Mongo-marry." As in Mongo-marry Ward. I guess if you speak with anything other than an American accent, that's how you say Montgomery.
I'll update my blog if you update yours. Love you.
Thanks for the motiviation. I have still been checking yours 4 times/day and I'm not at the point where I want to kill the moose, but in time, I'm sure. Let me see what I can come up with. Love you Sasha. -Romy
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