Monday, March 12, 2007


It's the little things.

Today I made the prettiest salad. It was delicious, too. In fact, I loved it so much that I took a photo during my lunch break.

In addition, I have added photos to the blog entry titled, "Long time, no nothing." Enjoy!

The walnuts look like shriveled testacles. Love, Gabby
P.S. I'm clearly not a salad fan.
You are an amazing wonderful woman. You are an awesome photographer and wonderful poet. Not to mention an out of this world teacher!!!!!!!

You have been busy how do you read all of those for fun?

I want you to talk to Meg about photography when she gets the class and we will have to talk about cameras as well.

luv ya
I have a passion for salads! They are so pretty and the possibilities are endless. A current favorite of mine is very simple: Romaine, Pears, Peeled carrot strips (they are just the best when cut this way), pecans, and then drizzle olive oil, balsamic right onto the salad (no need to mix a dressing), and fresh squeezed lemon and orange if you have it. Toss and voila. . . gorgeous and delicious.
Did ben every fix his handle bars they seem t obe fine there but who knows. From Danny

P.S. I like gabby's comment
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