Monday, March 12, 2007


Promised Poetry

A while back, I told you about an art class I took in Santa Barbara. Below are a couple of poems that I wrote there. Now, I am by no means a poet, but maybe the way in which I was inspired to write, may inspire you to do the same. Try it and post your poems here.

For the first exercise, we read a poem.

Recipe for Happiness by Lawrence Ferlinghetti :

One grand boulevard with trees
with one grand cafe in the sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups
one not necessarily very beautiful man
or woman who loves you.
One fine day.

Then we were asked to write our own recipe for happiness poems using photos we had collected over a period of a few months. Below you will find one of two that I wrote.

Bula and the Beach
Soft, sparkling sand

salty water glistening

like molten silver on deep blue velvet

and one very small dog

that owns this vast stretch of beach.

Later on, we read two poems. One was called Light, At Thirty-Two by Michael Blumenthal who wrote the line, "And now, I think I see it all in terms of light..." We also read Vision by May Thelgaard Watts which begins, "Today there have been these things I never saw before..." After reading the poems, we were asked to use one of the two lines in our poem, or both, or just use them for inspiration. We were also asked to look for a photo that depicts one of these lines or the sentiment. The photo I chose was taken at the tide pools at Leo Carillo (as seen in the movie Point Break) near Malibu on one sunny, windy day in winter of this year.

Here is my poem:

Now I see things in terms of light

and still there are times

when I worry and have asked myself,

"How will we ever be able to buy a house?

Will this useless thyroid remember what it's supposed to do?

And is it Saturday yet?"

But today I remembered

the starfish

glowing in the sunlight

waiting for the tide to change.

Light can be a very inspiring topic for poetry or a photo scavenger hunt of your own. The photos below were taken at sunrise at my new place of residence.

Nice poems. I loved the picture of Bula on the beach. He's so small. It reminds me of that Leann Womack song, "I Hope You Dance." She sings, "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean." Love, Gabby
Love you, Love the poems, Love Bula, and Loooooove the picture of the starfish! Fantastic!
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