Sunday, January 31, 2010


The Dodger Game and A Near Death Experience

In the middle of September, we went to a Dodger game with Kelly and Bill. I can't tell you who played, who won or what the score was because that's what baseball does to me. It puts me in a boredom coma. Always has, always will. I start out fine and then 3 innings in, I spend the rest of the time questioning why I even came, playing "Where's Waldo?" with people in the audience and constantly searching for the cotton candy. Despite my near hatred for the sport, we had a great time with our friends and even had plenty of laughs.

Earlier in the week, Ben's favorite college football team, the Ohio State Buckeyes played the Trojans, Ben's second least favorite college team (University of Michigan is his least favorite!!! 3 exclamation points!!!) and lost.

A funny thing happened on the field before the game, during the game and throughout Dodger Stadium. The USC marching band was EVERYWHERE!!! We went to get our Dodger dogs and they were even prancing around up there!

Now, although the game of baseball threatens to kill me with boredom, Ben had his own near death experience later in the week. Clearing out things in the rafters of Grandma's garage, Ben decided to use Grandpa's old ladder to really get up in there. Grandpa has been gone for 9 years and he must have purchased the ladder 50 years before that, and let's just say, it didn't exactly hold Ben up for very long. Because Ben was safe, we could laugh about it.
Well, I can laugh about it.

Doll, if I recall correctly the dodgers destroyed the pirates. Also, that ladder almost killed me. Go Buckeyes!!!! Love you
the ladder is to die for. benĀ“s face in that pic is even better!
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