Friday, April 30, 2010


Herniation Station

Shortly after our camping trip, Ben noticed a bulge in the lower abdomen/hip region that wouldn't go away! He put off going to the doctor for a while, hoping the bulge would go away. Soon enough, it was starting to impact just about every moment of the day. Ben decided to go see a doctor even though he already knew that it was a hernia. He was sent to see a specialist, and rather than risk having emergency surgery some day in the near future, we scheduled his hernia operation.

Ben wore a paper gown that had all these tubes hanging from it. I guess they pump the gown with air and the air moves the gown out of the way during the surgery. They also pump warm air through the tubing for Ben's comfort. When the nurse left and just before the anesthesiologist came in, Ben kept pretending to blow air into the tubes or smoke himself like a hookah. It was good to laugh just before his surgery because when they busted out the needles, the doctor thought I was going to faint and had me sit down. I wanted to explain that I was fine and always look this pale and tired eyed, but I just did as I was told.

After surgery, Ben felt fine. He kept telling the nurses how great he was feeling and was trying to get up and move around without assistance. That's when the nurse said, "Just wait until you get him home." He didn't realize how drugged up he was.

The day following his surgery was the worst. And even though I knew he would be fine, there wasn't anything I could do for him. It was awful! But the scar is the only thing that remains now, along with the knowledge that you really have to bend at the knees when you do any heavy lifting!

He is as good as new now!

Hernia's suck........glad I am fixed now. Love you.
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